3003 Members, 1416 threads, 10003 posts, 1697 inages at 20:00 UTC 8/4/23.
3003 Members, 1416 threads, 10003 posts, 1697 inages at 20:00 UTC 8/4/23.
Yes it would, but I haven't found a way of doing that yet.
Bob, please keep reporting how many members we have a while. It's inspiring to all of us, I think.
I got critique from a person at dpreview because I have put the URL to dprevived in my sig. Why single out one of several projects blah blah blah? I tried to list my reasons. One of them was people are already moving here and the most important thing is to not lose contact and for that we need a platform NOW because we have very little time.
I of course also said this is the most viable project and so on. Because it is. But that the we are growing is actually an argument for others to join.
I say "we", because thanks to your attitude Bob, I do feel part of this. 😊
It's 650 members now! The 'competition' is 200.
What's the competition? DPR Clone? What is that communitydummy.com? A hosted service of some kind?
No, it's his own service, I think he runs a server company. I only say 'competition' because I reached out to him and the response was along the lines of 'I'm the boss and you're welcome to hand over the community to me any time you want'. I'm not sure why he chose the URL.
Actually, 701 new members …..
Hopefully this site will take off over the coming months.
732, keep with the program!
@bobn2 has written:Not as many as DPReview but not bad. Feels a bit like a 'community'!
Good on you Bob, Impressive start. I just signed up.
Cheers all.
Thanks and welcome. This software's a bit tricky. I did a 'How to...' on the Migration category.
You will reach 1000 before the stroke of midnight
Not staying up, I'm afraid. I'll let people know where we're at when I wake up.
I do miss really much the menues and -structure from DPR....plus, no darkmode is painful at night, just right now.
Yes, I know. We need to assemble a development team, make a plan and get all those things done. This is the community doing it itself. It's probably slower than having a big corporation behind us, but at least we will together will own the site and that big corporation can't suddenly decide to close it all down.
@bobn2 has written: @Yashica has written:I do miss really much the menues and -structure from DPR....plus, no darkmode is painful at night, just right now.
Yes, I know. We need to assemble a development team, make a plan and get all those things done. This is the community doing it itself. It's probably slower than having a big corporation behind us, but at least we will together will own the site and that big corporation can't suddenly decide to close it all down.
Hear, hear! I'd be happy to chip in to help running costs.
Look at dprevived.com/t/my-thoughts-on-how-this-site-should-work/71/ When I can get the development programme underway I'll concentrate on that side of it. The basic idea is that anyone who makes a contribution gets a stake in deciding how the site runs.
Thank you very much for setting this site up.....giving hope to many who felt the loss of DPR was immense (which it is)
The camaraderie and friendship there will hopefully transfer here and this will soon become as active as DPR was.
I used to love the retouch forum but cannot see an equivalent here - or am I missing something please?
It's here dprevived.com/c/retouching/55/
Once again, thank you for doing this...all credit to those involved.
Best wishesRay
Great 👍
Number of threads, posts and uploaded images would make some nice gauge.
Great 👍
Number of threads, posts and uploaded images would make some nice gauge.
404, 1856, 327
Is it too early to start worrying about spam accounts?
So far they all look genuine
@SilvanBromide has written: @WWeber has written:You should tell him, that you want him to delete all your personal date including your account based on article 17 GDPR.
It's unlikely DPReview falls under the jurisdiction of GDPR, as such, since that applies to the EU and DPR is based in the USA.
If they were intending to remain online and active, non-compliance with EU requirements might still present a problem, since the EU might seek to limit their reach or otherwise penalize them. Since they are about to go offline anyway, I'd guess that any such considerations would be moot.
The website mentioned by DannoB is DPRForum.com is hosted in germany (its not dpreview.com). So this website falls under jurisdiction of GDPR
This site is hosted in the Netherlands, so does it.
@mikedigi has written:Hi all, I am here, I think. Taken my protein pills and put my helmet on. Looking for signs of intelligent life. Full of new ideas about being polite to everyone.
Are all the DPR data going to be dumped, or will they somehow still be available?
MikeFrom what I gathered, Amazon will not save the data from DPR, which is a shame. 25 years of valuable information down the drain.
The Archive Team are working to save it.
Glad to be here, and thanks to those who made it possible by putting themselves out for the rest of us.
I liked the old DPR and hope that this incarnation ends up with all the same (or more) valuable x-fertilisation and very useful tests, comparisons, etc.
What's the situation on the old DPR content? Will DPRevived be able to download and make available all the legacy content?
The Archive Team is archiving it, and another team is trying to preserve the camera database in an interactive form. These are all complementary efforts.
As they used to say on DPReview, "I've been lurking". But now that things seem to have somewhat stabilized, I'm here. DPReview member since 2008 named Doug Haag. This site wouldn't allow the same name, apparently because of space in middle.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to wasting many hours with all of you as I have for the last 15 years. What? No grinning emoji?.
Some people have worked out how to put them in.
It would be nice if my share prices went up as quick as the memberships here :-)
It's slowing down a bit - I suspect we've got most of the active DPReview people now, except those that have gone elsewhere. Some of those will carry on multiple sites and others will come here when they realise that's where their friends are.