Put there thing you find annoying or just could make the forum better.
If something do not work as suspected please use Bug thread instead.
list of current considered features / bugfixes
- implement a Background Image.
- implement optional dark-mode
- Image layer for big image view instead of new window opening
better thumbnail quality- condensed view better reading of big threads
- wysiwyg editor
- media management with exif data and scaled images
- tagging and filterung for threads
- look into notification and fix quirks
- thread preview of latest post shows wrong user.
- remove closed sign from main categories in overview page
- signatures
- button do hide / show all quoted content and a button to reply without quotes
- Easy linking to other threads
- Next unread button at the head of each thread.
- full user list for registered users
- Emojis
- stats on the homepage
- resizing (css) for thumbnail image view in post
- adding colours off the threads to the category page
- breadcumbs at bottom of thread
- add rss feed for categories and threads
- adding leveling in thread view.