Devel Version
  • March 26, 2023, 8:10 p.m.

    I'd like to give my thoughts on what we do when we have time. First, an explanation as to how we came to have this software. I was looking for an open source code base that we could over time adapt to what we wanted. What we ended up with was a package called Misago which runs over the Django web server framework. Given the timeframe this is a vanilla install, set up as the producer of that software likes things. That's not necessarily as I or other people used to DPReview want. Over years of refinement DPReview had ended up with a very efficient and usable UI which made traversing a lot of information very easy. This site, at present, hasn't that. We should refine it to include lots of these things. Some examples are image include facilities that work for developers, threaded view of threads, a more efficient layout of threads and forums (categories), something like the personalised 'recent forum activity', and ability to list a person's threads. We should be aiming to have all these things, but at least for the start we'll be relying on volunteer expertise, so we won't get there all at once.

    Just so you know, it's like it is because that's how it came out of the box - not because that's how I or anyone else wants it to stay.


  • March 27, 2023, 9:22 a.m.

    I think it's fixed!